AVA (Against Violence and Abuse) Project

AVA (Against Violence and Abuse) Project

At a glance


  • Community safety / victim support / domestic violence
  • Mental health
  • Substance misuse
  • Women

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


Our vision

A world without gender based violence and abuse.

Our mission

To inspire innovation and collaboration and encourage and enable direct service providers to help end gender based violence and abuse particularly against women and girls.

Our guiding principles

  • Survivors are at the heart of everything we do.
  • As a feminist organisation, we understand that ending violence and abuse means challenging societal attitudes in order to change the behaviour of individual perpetrators.
  • AVA is a fiercely independent organisation. We are informed by the lived experience of survivors, robust evidence and a passion for equality.
  • We can make more of a difference in partnership than alone. We all have a responsibility to work together to end gender based violence, particularly against women and girls.


AVA’s work is focused around those areas where we can make the best contribution to ending violence and abuse. We do this by

  • Making sure that survivors get the help and support they need in the here and now, through
    • providing innovative training that has a proven direct impact on the professional practice of people supporting survivors of violence and abuse
    • developing a range of toolkits, e-learning and other material that supports professionals to provide effective and appropriate support to survivors of violence and abuse
    • using our influence and networks to ensure survivors voices are heard.
  • Working towards a future where the lives of women and girls are not blighted by gender based violence and abuse by
    • working with children and young people to play our part in raising a generation against violence and abuse
    • innovative and award winning work on prevention – because violence against women and girls, although widespread, is not inevitable
    • enhancing society’s ability to end violence and abuse by carrying out innovative and practical research that fills the gaps in our understanding.

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