Atlow Mill Centre

Atlow Mill Centre

At a glance


  • Children / families
  • Counselling / advice
  • Education
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Local / community
  • Mental health
  • Young people

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


To work in partnership with LEA’s, social services and other statutory & voluntary bodies to advance social education and emotional literacy.

  • Work with young people to overcome difficulties with their schooling, social skills, antisocial and self-destructive behaviour.

  • To Work with families to alleviate suffering caused by divorce and other traumatic problems.

  • To work with people of retirement age and the unemployed to gain confidence in themselves and use their skills to benefit their communities.

  • To work with people who are underprivileged in society and or experiencing the effects of social exclusion at reduced cost to the individual, enabling them to find gainful employment and a positive role in society.


Atlow Mill Centre provides emotional education programmes for a diverse range of people regardless of their background, education, social or economic status, gender, cultural or religious perspective.

Our specialist skills will be particularly valuable to organisations working to support the ongoing development of people. We will work in partnership with you to foster the social, intellectual and emotional growth of your staff and client groups. We enable schools to address the root causes of social exclusion and develop effective citizenship.

By Working in Partnership with the voluntary, business and statutory sectors we will provide:

  • Emotional education for anyone who would like to experience the benefits of such life enhancing course
  • Intensive Programmes for Young People specifically designed to address the root causes of challenging behaviour, social exclusion and underachievement in hard to reach youths.
  • Staff and Management Development Training enabling your organisation to develop effective approaches to managing teams and client groups
  • Intervention Programmes designed for your unique project or the specific requirements / needs of your client groups, for example: domestic abuse, parents and families, criminal and anti-social behaviour, addictions
  • Volunteer and Mentor Training enhancing the outcomes of your existing projects and programmes and the personal and professional development of your volunteers
  • Unique accredited Professional Development Programmes in partnership with the University of Derby. These part time courses offer personal and career development (CPD) for all professionals working with people of all ages.

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