The Association for Art History (formerly Association of Art Historians) was set up by a group of people passionate about art history. They recognised the social value and importance of art history, and founded an organisation based on a broad and inclusive art history, regardless of background or schooling. It was, and remains, an outward-looking organisation that dared to embrace art history in schools, polytechnics, museums and universities up and down the country, publishing ‘new art history’ research in our progressive academic journal, Art History.
Much has changed since 1974 but our commitment to ensuring that art history is a broad and inclusive subject remains as strong as ever.
The Association for Art History leads the collective effort in the UK to advance the study and practice of art history. Through our programmes, publications and resources we connect those engaged with art history, aid scholarly research and develop professional practice. We advocate on behalf of a broad and inclusive subject, stressing its importance in a well-rounded education and influencing relevant policy.