Aspire Oxfordshire

Aspire Oxfordshire

At a glance


  • Education
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Local / community
  • Mental health
  • Refugees / migrants
  • Training / employment support

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Aspire is a multi-award-winning employment charity and social enterprise.

We exist to help vulnerable people who are homeless, long-term unemployed, ex-offenders, people in recovery or those with poor mental well-being to move into the world of work. We give them work experience on our own enterprise businesses and the person-centred support they need to make their own lasting change.


We tackle these complex social issues through our unique enterprise model. Aspire runs social businesses which offer professional facilities management services to local councils, businesses, academic institutions and private customers. We work with councils and companies who take their social responsibility seriously; who understand that they don’t have to choose between doing good, and doing good business. Our latest enterprise business is a Community Transport bus service which is a lifeline for vulnerable elderly people.

These businesses don't just provide class leading professional services: they also offer life-changing work experience and employment opportunities to our clients. Alongside this, our Employment and Development Workers provide these clients with intensive 121 support designed to break down multiple barriers to employment. Together, this is a powerful approach that helps hundreds of highly disadvantaged people achieve their own change.

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