Arabesque School of Performing Arts

Arabesque School of Performing Arts

At a glance


  • Arts
  • Education

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Geographical remit: 


Arabesque is the only independent performing Arts School outside of London. it is  a secondary school where talented young people can study their academic subjects alongside their vocational training. We are a tiny school and have had incredible success both academically and vocationally. We are top of the GCSE league table in Chichester as well as many of our students getting full scholarships at the top colleges in London with scholarships. Colleges include, Laine Theatre Arts, Bird College, Urdang Academy, Mountview, Guildhall, GSA and Arts Ed.


We deliver education in the arts to Children aged 11 to 18 years. We also promote the arts within the local community. We offer some Bursaries to exceptional students.

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