The Aplastic Anaemia Trust (AAT) is a small national health charity, the only one in the UK, fighting for better support for a vulnerable and overlooked group of patients, suffering from aplastic anaemia (AA), a rare bone marrow failure disease. We receive no Government funding, relying purely on fundraising to do our work.
Aplastic Anaemia (AA) is a life-threatening illness of the immune system with 80% chance of survival. In AA, the immune system attacks the bone marrow, destroying stem cells and halting the production of all blood cells - red, white and platelets. Currently there are around 5000 families affected by Aplastic Anaemia in the UK, with 100-150 people diagnosed annually in England.
Our VISION is a world free from aplastic anaemia and allied rare bone marrow failures. Our mission is to enable vital research into the causes of aplastic anaemia and other rare bone marrow failures that ultimately leads to finding a cure, and to support everyone affected by them, so they can lead healthy and fulfilling lives.
Our achievements
(1) We provide a safe online community via a closed Facebook group that enables 24/7 empathetic peer-to-peer SUPPORT
(2) We provide people with reliable and up-to-date INFORMATION that answers practical and treatment-related questions
(3) We provide a HELPLINE that matches patients with individuals who share similar experiences
(4) We raise funds for RESEARCH so that treatment options are broadened and improved, and a cure - found.
(5) We raise AWARENESS of the rare disease directly, through national campaigns, such as Rare Disease UK and through our network of volunteers.