Anti Bullying and Behaviour Service Community Interest Company

Anti Bullying and Behaviour Service Community Interest Company

At a glance


  • Local / community
  • Mental health
  • Young people

Other details

Geographical remit: 


Our organisation is rooted in the values of supporting young people with emotional health and wellbeing by giving them the opportunity, resilience and skills to be able to succeed in life. We work to combat the barriers young people face from supporting them to learn how to recognise and grow their; empathy, motivation, social skills, managing feelings, self-awareness & communication. Some of our direct delivery includes: self-esteem groups, mental health support, anti-bullying awareness & guidance, behaviour support, anger management and youth & community work tackling social isolation and loneliness within our local community.


We deliver training and support in schools in all aspects from confidence building, to mental health awareness, anti bullying, self esteem etc. In January 2018 we opened a youth club in the rural village of Moorsholm which now has in excess of 40 members.

We are in the process of rebranding from the Anti Bullying and Behaviour Service to Aspire to Believe.

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