Ann Craft Trust

Ann Craft Trust

At a glance


  • Community safety / victim support / domestic violence
  • Counselling / advice
  • Learning disabilities / difficulties
  • Training / employment support

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


The Ann Craft Trust is a national membership organisation working with staff in the statutory, independent and voluntary sectors in the interests of people with learning disabilities who may be at risk of abuse.  The underlying philosophy of ACT is that people with learning disabilities have a right not to be abused and have a right to recourse when they have been abused.  Many adults and children with learning disabilities are unable to access services themselves.  ACT makes available to professionals working with them the information, advice and guidance necessary to support an individual to feel protected and respected as well as working with the service users themselves.  


ACT provides a number of key services to raise awareness of the abuse of people with learning disabilities and to meet its aims and promote its core philosophy:

- To raise awareness of abuse of people with learning disabilities and its impact on service users and their families.

- To offer advice and information for service users, parents, carers and professionals working with people who are vulnerable or have been abused.  

- Training to raise awareness of the abuse of people with learning disabilities and to help organisations make their services safer.  The range of training available covers all issues relating to the protection of people with learning disabilities including sexuality, abuse awareness, safe practices, developing policies and procedures and supporting victims of abuse.  

- Publications on a range of related issues, many of which have become essential texts, for example, It Could Never Happen Here (ARC/ACT 1996) Training to Protect (ACT 2000) over the past ten years.  Its regular publications include ACT’s quarterly bulletin with 1200 copies circulated nationally.  This includes a regional news page to inform members of good practice developing across the country and international features to give details of learning disability services overseas.  

- Research – generating up to the minute information and keeping the trust’s other services informed. 

- Casework consultancy – offering guidance to organisations on casework, procedures and other relevant protection issues.

- To encourage and participate in implementation of appropriate legislative measures to increase protection, to advocate for changes in legislation and procedures and to develop cultures of good practice.

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