The Anglo-Austrian Society

The Anglo-Austrian Society

At a glance


  • Education

Other details

Organisation type: 
Geographical remit: 


The Impact of the Society is demonstrated in particular through publication and dissemination of the outcomes of the projects which the Society funds through its grants.

Its services, which include the provision of information, are available to subscribing members and to non-members alike. Applicants for grants from the Society do not need to be subscribing members. 


In order to meet its objectives, the Society 

(a) promotes and supports the organisation of lectures, discussion groups, functions, exchanges, meetings and musical events for the advancement of education and understanding;

(b) publishes a quarterly journal which covers current developments in Austria and the activities of the Society, and

(c) makes grants to individuals and organisations for study, research and travel between Great Britain and Austria 

Current opportunities

Hertfordshire, CM22 7JT or Remote

The Society awards grants for projects that help to strengthen Austro-British cooperation across a range of different fields. As Treasurer you...