Founded in 2010, AMIS provides Scotland’s only national specialist helpline, involving longer-term casework if needed, for men experiencing domestic or partner abuse. We support individuals aged 16+ who identify as men and anyone with concerns about such men. AMIS also provides training for other services wishing to learn more about supporting male victims and engages with policymakers to highlight the need for support provision for all victims and survivors of domestic abuse in Scotland.
AMIS currently employs one full-time and two part-time members of staff. We are utilizing our recently secured funding to recruit new staff members (2.2 FTE equivalent) to increase helpline capacity, launch a new community-based support project and increase advocacy work.
Further background information on the charity; its work, challenges, and successes may be found in our Annual Report 2021, available from our website here.
As well as providing direct services to abused men AMIS works to support men indirectly by offering training and awareness-raising to other services and organisations to help them respond appropriately to the abused men they encounter. This makes it more likely that men will be able to find an understanding, supportive, response when dealing with non-specialist services.
When capacity allows, AMIS undertakes prevention work with young people, aimed at increasing understanding of safe relationships, regardless of gender, to help reduce the incidence of domestic abuse and to promote healthy relationships.
AMIS is currently developing information/training materials on the new legislation, The Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018, aimed at men experiencing domestic abuse and those who support them.
AMIS also engages with policy-makers to inform and encourage the introduction of national policies and strategies that better reflect the needs of the full range of victims of domestic abuse.