All Stars London

All Stars London

At a glance


  • Arts
  • Children / families
  • Young people

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Geographical remit: 


All Stars London began three years ago, inspired by the revolutionary youth development model pioneered by the All Stars Project Inc. in the United States. All Stars works with kids from disadvantaged backgrounds to "perform their lives" -- knowing that performance is not just something people do onstage, but in school and work, and every aspect of their lives. 

Young people from poor communities often lack the confidence and skills to perform in settings outside of their neighbourhoods, such as top schools and businesses. All Stars helps train them, taking them out of their comfort zones, meeting and working with new people and learning to try on new roles. 


All Stars London put on big community Talent Shows where young people gain confidence performing onstage; they also arrange Bridge-Building trips, taking them out of their neighbourhoods into the heart of London to meet with professionals in business, media and academia, so they can learn the real-world performances needed to open new doors in their lives.

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