All Change works to develop and promote the role of the arts in society by bringing artists and people together to develop original, high quality arts projects that promote artistic excellence and affect positive change for individuals and communities. All Change values partnership working and collaboration, innovation and risk taking, creating opportunities for artists and people to explore and articulate their ideas, try new things and exceed their expectations, in an environment that celebrates creative thinking, shared learning and artistic expression. All our projects are cross artform, working with exceptional artists from all disciplines. Projects result in artistic outcomes that are shared through events, exhibitions and publishing. Our projects reach people of all ages and backgrounds, especially those facing barriers to participation.
All Change operates with a small core staff team and engages professional freelance artists as needed for its project programme. All Change receives funding by responding to government and local government briefs, accepting project commissions, raising funds independently from trusts and charities and donations through All Stars - All Change’s fledgling individual giving scheme.
All Change is a registered charity 293972 and company limited by guarantee 1964724 established in Islington, London in 1985.
All Change has a strong track record of delivering high quality arts projects in community settings throughout its 30-year history. We have been instrumental too in establishing a confidence in the value of the arts within community development and meaningful engagement with disadvantaged people. We currently deliver a range of projects within three programme strands: Arts and Innovation; Young People, Children and Families; and Reducing Isolation - Older People. Over recent years, the company has taken on a more strategic leadership role in developing community arts practice in north London and beyond, utilising our many years experience, underlining our commitment to continued learning, and embracing change and innovation. To this end, All Change’s Artistic Director contributes to conferences and events to share experience and develop practice and has taken on the role of Creative Producer to lead a number of major arts development programmes in north London - supported by Arts Council, England and Islington Council including: Word Festival (2012-16) and Finsbury Park Creative Hub (2013-16). As part of these initiatives the company works in partnership with a range of arts and cultural organisations to develop practice in collaborative working and community engagement through high quality arts. In addition, Arts Award initiatives and Emerging Young Arts Professionals programmes seek to develop new approaches to delivering skills development, accreditation, work-based training, leadership and paid employment opportunities for young people in creative settings.