Alcohol Concern

Alcohol Concern

At a glance


  • Health and well being / research and care

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - England


Our vision: is of a world where alcohol does no harm.  We help people through information, advice and guidance, help professionals through training, projects and research, and help all of us through campaigning to challenge the drinking culture in our country.  More information about our work is on our website



Our annual turnover is c £1.2m, our funding comes from a mixture of grants (eg Welsh Government, Trusts and Foundations), Big Lottery Fund, Comic Relief, individual donations and consultancy and training contracts.  We have an office in Cardiff and 3 staff based in Wales as well as our HQ in London where we have 9 members of staff.

We campaign and lobby, carry our research and policy work, deliver training and consultancy services, run community projects, primarily working with young people, we run the successful Dry January campaign and we punch well above our weight when it comes to media and social media activity and recognition.

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