Age UK Sheffield is an independent, local organisation dedicated to supporting older people in Sheffield, particularly those who are vulnerable or isolated. We work to help older people in Sheffield to retain their independence and get the most out of life.
Age UK Sheffield wants to be there for older people in good times and in bad and we recognise that different people need different things. But being there for those who need us isn’t only about tackling the really big problems and issues. It’s also about helping to provide the little things that can make a big difference.
Whether it’s having someone come round to help with the shopping, a friendly call or visit each week and somewhere to go to make new friends, or some expert advice to deal with a problem that’s nagging away, Age UK Sheffield is determined to be there to help.
We’re committed to making sure we’re there with vital help and support when it’s most needed by those in later life.
We’re working hard to give older people the fundamental things everyone deserves and which most of us take for granted without a second thought: advice and support at the times it is most needed, friendship and someone to share a laugh with from time to time.
Age UK Sheffield provides a full range of services to over-50s including information & advice, memory loss support, independent living support, carer support, social activities & friendship schemes and at-home practical support.