Age UK Cornwall & The Isles of Scilly

Age UK Cornwall & The Isles of Scilly

At a glance


  • Older people / later life

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Geographical remit: 


Age UK Cornwall & The Isles of Scilly was established in 1972 and is the leading independent charity in Cornwall and The Isles of Scilly working to improve the wellbeing of people in later life.

We recognise that everyone is an individual, our focus is on you, and we want to hear your story. Living Well shapes everything that we do, and helps the person to live the life they want to the best of their ability.


We offer the following services to help the wellbeing of people in later life:


Living Well Team

Healthwatch Cornwall

Steady On

Home Care Support

Foot Care Services

Carers Helpline

x4 Day Centres (Truro, Newquay, Falmouth & St Austell)

TAP Transport

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