Age Concern Orpington

Age Concern Orpington

At a glance


  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Older people / later life
  • Social care

Other details

Geographical remit: 


The Saxon Day Centre is located in central Orpington and is a friendly, mainstream day care centre which is operated by Age Concern Orpington & District. We cater for elderly clients, including those who are physically frail and/or have early stage dementia and who are in need of a day out from their home environment, or whose carers need a day of respite.


Services and activities available include the following, all under the supervision of qualified Care staff:

  • Breakfast, lunch and a take home sandwich service (more detail on catering at the Centre can be found here)
  • Transport to/from the Saxon Day Centre
  • Access to on-site bathing, hairdressing and chiropody services
  • Regular visits from qualified chiropodists, opticians and a hearing aid service
  • Shopping service for essential items
  • Trolley service selling biscuits, confectionery and cards
  • Physical activities and exercise
  • News and current affairs and other group discussions
  • Quizzes and games
  • Entertainment

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