Age Concern Central Lancashire

Age Concern Central Lancashire

At a glance


  • Older people / later life

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Geographical remit: 


Age Concern Central Lancashire is a well-established local charity dedicated to supporting people to live life and age well. We have been delivering a range of services, mainly to the elderly, for over 30 years and we continue to support older people to maintain independence and address social isolation through a range of initiatives and schemes. 


Age Concern Central Lancashire seeks to promote independence for older people and offers services such as support to return home successfully after a hospital stay, support to apply for benefits, a home help service and foot care provision.  We also work to support those who are lonely and at risk of isolation through a befriending service and activity clubs.  We also have a range of pioneering dementia services and we are part of the Lancashire Wellbeing Service, a free service offering short-term, practical support for Lancashire residents of all ages who may be struggling with issues affecting their happiness and health. 

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