Advocacy for Older People in Greenwich

Advocacy for Older People in Greenwich

At a glance


  • Older people / later life

Other details

Geographical remit: 


Our organisation  supports people over 55 living in the Royal Borough of Greenwich.  We support older people to have a voice in decisions that affect their lives and we provide practical support to help people maximise their incomes and manage their finances, find appropriate housing and care and retain their independence for as long as possible.  Our work is vital to people in difficulty who struggle to find the help, information and support they need.  Often, older people living alone are living in appalling circumstances but are only discovered as a result of a crisis.  We bring meaningful help to them and enable them to lead a better quality of life and have greater control over the life that they lead.


We provide support with a range of issues including;

  • Support with benefits and pensions
  • Accessing appropriate housing
  • Managing transitions
  • Ensuring the right package of care is in place
  • Budgeting and money management
  • Cash delivery and support with banking for those no longer able to cope alone
  • Making complaints and resolving issues
  • Befriending/support of a volunteer advocate to help overcome social isolation and manage day to day issues in the longer term

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