Advance Brighter Futures

Advance Brighter Futures

At a glance


  • Mental health

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Geographical remit: 


We’re a mental health and wellbeing charity, established in Wrexham since 1992. Our services offer people a safe space to build emotional wellbeing and resilience, both in terms of personal development and ‘staying on the right track’ as well as recovery from crisis. We’ve helped hundreds of people build happier and more fulfilling lives and we’re very passionate about what we do.

Our support can help you overcome challenges such as stress, anxiety, depression, postnatal depression, low self-esteem and lack of confidence. As a charity we are all about engaging with people experiencing mental health problems and it is fundamental to everything we do. Mental illness and the stigma surrounding it prevents people seeking help, getting and keeping jobs, isolates people, impacts on physical health and excludes people from day to day activities.

The impact we make on people's lives is often transformative, enabling them to overcome numerous challenges and achieve personal goals such as expanding social networks or leaving the house and venturing to new places alone and finding or returning to work. We also believe there is a mutual benefit with regards to our volunteers as our experience shows volunteering is highly conducive to building confidence and self-esteem. This is evidenced not only by talking to our own volunteers but by the fact that the UK Government recognises giving back to your community as one of five ways to wellbeing (UK Government's Foresight Project, 2008). 


At Advance Brighter Futures we offer a range on innovative projects/services to support people through mental ill health or mental distress:

One to one services: lifestyle coaching, listening service, peer mentor support for group activities and for post natal depression.

Group activities: In the year ended 31/03/2015 the charity provided 16 different small group activities e.g.: allotment gardening, walking, relaxation, badminton, craft, evening walk, crown green bowls, carpet bowls, ten pin bowling, music, pilates, qi gong, snooker, pool, darts and chess.

PRAMS Group: a support group where new parents who are struggling with their mental wellbeing can meet and share experiences, bond with baby and learn new skills including baby sensory, baby sign, paediatric first aid and more.

Volunteer opportunities: We provide a range of opportunities including: leading the group activities, mentoring, training, administration, fund raising, and promotion. We offer all volunteers a volunteering skills accreditation alongside a full training package.

Recovery and resilience courses including: 'managing stress and anxiety', 'building self-esteem', 'dealing with depression', 'mindfulness', 'living life to the full', 'living a brighter future', 'enjoy your baby', 'Wellness & Recovery Action Planning', 'mental health first aid', 'ASIST', 'safeTALK', and 'mental health awareness' courses.

Recovery focused activities including Promoting Awareness & Resilience (PAR project) providing education combined with golf to young people (under 25 yr olds).

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