Active Prospects

Active Prospects

At a glance


  • Learning disabilities / difficulties
  • Social care

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We enable people with learning disabilities, physical and mental health needs and autistic people to live full and aspiring lives.

We aim to become an outstanding organisation delivering significant impact for our people and communities, through creativity, co- production and investment.



Our supported living services in the South-East provide independent living support to people living in a wide range of flats and shared homes, directly provided by Active Prospects as well as other landlord’s or own accommodation. This ranges from round the clock two to one support to a few hours targeted support each week shaped by the person.

We operate a short breaks and emergency placement service in East Surrey, providing support to young people aged between 18 and 30 who have a learning disability. This service allows carers to take a break and enables young people to experience a wide range of activities. We also offer some of our young people support in their family home. The service is also an important resource for emergency placements where peoples existing care provision may have broken down.

We offer transitional services for young people moving from residential settings into the community to enable them to become as independent as possible, in a flexible supportive environment and helping them find their long-term homes. 

We support a wide range of peer-led activities that support community networks, friendships, learning and work opportunities and have an extensive Active Lives offer.

We run supported employment programmes offering a range a learning and employment experiences that enable peoples to move in paid work, including through our own Social Enterprises such as Re:Work:It as fashion boutique.

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