Action Tutoring Birmingham

Action Tutoring Birmingham

At a glance


  • Education
  • Local / community
  • Young people

Other details

Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


Action Tutoring supports young people facing a socio-economic disadvantage to achieve a meaningful level of academic attainment, with a view to enabling them to go on to further education, employment or training. We do this by partnering high quality volunteer tutors with pupils in primary and secondary schools to increase their subject knowledge in maths and English, confidence and study skills.

We're looking for people who want to support young people to succeed. Currently only 30% of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds achieve the grades needed to progress in education, employment or training, for the rest their options are significantly restricted. 


We support disadvantaged young people to achieve meaningful qualifications on leaving primary and secondary school. This enables them to progress in education, employment or training. We partner our brilliant volunteer tutors with school pupils to increase their subject knowledge, whilst building on confidence and study skills. 

We will place you as an English or maths tutor in one of our partner schools. You will work with one or two pupils for an hour a week across the course of a school term; either before, during or after school. Sessions are delivered on the school premises at the same time each week; we also have one-off volunteering opportunities. We provide all of our tutors with training and resources, and we will also process a DBS check for you.

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