Abigail's Footsteps

Abigail's Footsteps

At a glance


  • Children / families

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Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


15 babies are either stillborn or die a neonatal death every single day in the United Kingdom. Despite this shocking statistic, many hospitals remain ill prepared to deal with these events. Staff often receive little or no bereavement training and facilities are inadequate.

Our mission is to provide healthcare professionals with bereavement care training and support to ensure that bereaved parents receive the highest standard of care, following the death of a much loved baby.


The charity has three main aims:

1) To improve the bereavement training that health care professionals and care staff receive and to improve the quality of supportive information that families receive if their family suffers a stillbirth.

2) To provide the necessary equipment in each maternity unit to preserve a stillborn baby until at least the day after the mother’s discharge from hospital.

3) To fund sensitively designed delivery rooms located away from maternity wards in each on Britain’s maternity units.

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