Abbeyfield St Albans Society Ltd

Abbeyfield St Albans Society Ltd

At a glance


  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Local / community
  • Older people / later life

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Geographical remit: 


Abbeyfield is a charity for older people providing housing across the UK and internationally. It is our mission to enhance the quality of life for older people through high quality accommodation in a stimulating environment to maintain a socially active life.

The St Albans Society, formed in 1960, shares the ethos of The Abbeyfield Society, of which it is a member, and is responsible for the operation and viability of Grace Muriel House, a residential care home currently for thirty-six residents.


Situated in the beautiful historic city of St Albans, Grace Muriel House is a purpose built care home which opened its doors in 1972. Our ethos has always been focused on creating a home where everyone is greeted with a friendly welcoming atmosphere and feels part of the family so we pride ourselves on providing a clean and comfortable home with the highest quality of care, delivered by a team of caring, friendly and professional staff.

In 2018 our House was assessed as “Outstanding” by the Care Quality Commission.

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