Abbeyfield Kings Langley Society

Abbeyfield Kings Langley Society

At a glance


  • Older people / later life

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Geographical remit: 
National - Britain


The Abbeyfield Society is a membership organisation, with a national and international reach of over 800 homes.  Their mission is to enhance the quality of life for older people. 

Abbeyfield Kings Langley Society is one of their independent member societies, focused on helping older people in Hertfordshire and beyond live a great life, in a safe place, surrounded by people who care.  Managed by a small board of Trustees, our organisation has traditionally provided supported sheltered housing in the local area.  The Abbeyfield way of life provides balance of privacy, support and security that can be ideal for older people who no longer feel happy living alone or want to be closer to their families. Abbeyfield is firmly rooted in the local community - the people living in an Abbeyfield house are very much part of their neighbourhood and enjoy the friendly contact this brings.  With the population over 75 set to double within the next 30 years, we are looking at new ways to sustain and improve accommodation and services to older people in our local community and to reduce isolation amongst this group.


We have one sheltered, affordable house for older people who need a little support.  Our house is staffed by a small professional team as well as having some wonderful volunteers who offer pastoral and practical support to residents.  We run a variety of activities for residents on a regular basis, serve great food, provide companionship and involve residents where practical in some of our decision-making.  

The Abbeyfield Kings Langley Society came into existence in 1983 and Garrad House opened in its current form in 1991.  We have ambitions to grow and strengthen our accommodation and services and are in the process of developing a 5-year strategy to enhance our offering to the older population in our area.

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