Abbeyfield Gloucestershire Society Ltd

Abbeyfield Gloucestershire Society Ltd

At a glance


  • Housing and homelessness

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We are the Gloucestershire Abbeyfield Society, a charity that provides housing, support and care for older people at different stages of later life. We manage three sheltered homes across the area.

It’s important to know that, here at Abbeyfield Gloucestershire, we offer you a unique retirement: a wonderful alternative when you’re just struggling to live on your own, but don’t need a care home or residential care. We have properties in Cheltenham, Prestbury and Chipping Sodbury with close links with the Gloucester, Stow-on-the-Wold and Bourton-on-the-Water houses that are within the local area, but managed by The Abbeyfield Society. 

As a resident with us you’ll rent your own room, and because it’s situated within one of our lovely Abbeyfield houses, you’ll enjoy home-cooked meals, the freedom to come and go, time with new friends, or privacy when you want it. Life becomes pretty stress-free!

No more trying to maintain a home and garden, no more admin and bills to sort out. And no commitment to buy, thanks to a monthly all-inclusive rental fee, which includes delicious home-cooked meals and all the bills (except for a phone line). 


Volunteers and staff alike all work closely as a team to ensure all our residents live and enjoy a varied and entertaining life.

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