170 Community Project

170 Community Project

At a glance


  • Community safety / victim support / domestic violence
  • Counselling / advice
  • Financial inclusion
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Poverty relief
  • Women

Other details

Geographical remit: 


170 has provided free advice and information on a broad range of issues including benefits, debt, housing and employment for those living in or connected with New Cross Gate/ New Cross.Brockley or Deptford. 170 has provided such advice for more than thirty years and has responded to clients’ needs within ever changing legislation and economic circumstances.

We also have a Domestic Violence project based at St Thomas's Hospital where we provide free confidential advice and information for women experiencing domestic violence


We work with clients so that they can increase their understanding of how best to proceed and explain the choices they have in their particular circumstances. For the Advice Service first contact is usually through the drop-in service where we see people on a first come first served basis. We provide general help in all matters and casework in housing and welfare benefits. We provide information about benefit eligibility, help with the application process, help and advice about requesting reviews or appeals including providing casework if needed to resolve the problem.

In respect of housing matters we provide advice and assistance on possession claims and court proceedings, eviction, rent arrears, housing benefit problems, homelessness and re-housing

We have close contacts with other advice providers in LB Lewisham and can help people identify suitable agencies if they need specialist casework in matters where we provide general help only.

In our Domestic Violence Project we offer Emotional support, Telephone support, Referrals to counselling and support groups, Liaison with local councils and agencies, Practical advice and support (or referrals to specialist agencies on immigration, benefits, child contact, finances, housing/homelessness, police/courts, and voluntary community organisations


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