10th Chippenham Scout Group

10th Chippenham Scout Group

At a glance


  • Young people

Other details

Organisation type: 
Small or unincorporated organisation
Geographical remit: 


Scouts actively engages and supports young people in their personal development, empowering them to make a positive contribution to society.

The 10th Chippenham Scout Group has sections for Scouts (10 - 14 years), Cubs (8 - 10 years), Beavers (6 - 8 years) and Squirrels (4 - 6 years).  It is a growing group with a number of leaders and volunteers who run the sections.  

We are looking for two trustees to join the Board of Trustees, who can help to ensure the group continues to be well run and managed.


Our different sections organise a wide range of activities for our young people, with the aim of helping them develop life-skills.  It is an inclusive group, helping its members to work as teams and to appreciate the wide diversity in our community.  We have our own scout hut (in Westmead) which is the centre of our organisation, and which is equipped for many indoor activities.  We also organise outdoor activities, including hikes and camps.    

Current opportunities

Wiltshire, SN15 3hz

We are looking for two trustees to join the board of our local scout group in Chippenham, Wiltshire.

We are especially interested in...