Volunteer Trustees Required

Volunteer Trustees Required

At a glance


  • Public relations
  • Digital and IT strategy
  • Accountancy / Auditing
  • Financial management
  • Fundraising research / Bid writing
  • Fundraising strategy
  • Governance
  • Strategic development and planning
  • Strategic mentoring / coaching
  • Safeguarding


London, SW17 9SH
Mainly at home
Travel limit? London


Mostly during office hours Estimate of time needed:
0-5 hours / month
Approximately 30 hours per annum

Visitors from Fifth Day

Welcome to Reach Volunteering. We are a community and registered charity that connects people, skills and good causes.

To apply for this role, and any other on our platform, you need to be based in the UK, have at least three years of experience using the skills you wish to volunteer in a professional capacity or have lived experience (for trustee roles). Read more about our criteria.

Trustees required with either Finance, HR, PR, Digital Marketing, Community Interest, Health and Care, third sector or lived experience required. 

What will you be doing?

By joining our experienced board you will share and learn all about local charity governance and leadership.

There are 4 formal meetings a year, a couple of half-day Board Development days and an AGM.  The majority of meetings are online.

Duties are as follows:

  • To contribute actively to the Board’s role in providing direction for WCA, in setting overall policy and in maintaining a framework of good governance and accountability, and in evaluating performance against agreed targets.
  • To give clear direction, leadership, guidance, and advice to the WCA Chief Executive and staff.
  • To safeguard the good name and values of WCA and to act as an ambassador for the organisation.
  • To provide vision, inspiration, and support to the WCA director and staff.
  • To ensure the effective and efficient administration of WCA.
  • To ensure the financial stability of WCA.
  • To appoint the director and monitor his/her performance.
  • To use specific skills, knowledge, or experience to help the Board of Trustees to reach sound decisions.

This may involve:

  • Scrutinising Board papers;
  • Contributing to or leading Board discussions;
  • Acting as a board champion for a particular area of WCA’s work;
  • Identifying and focusing on key issues;
  • Providing guidance on new initiatives;
  • Being part of a working group.

What are we looking for?

Digital and Marketing, Finance, PR, HR, Health & Care, Community Interest, Lived Experience.

What difference will you make?

Our Trustees hold us accountable to our goals and and contribute to our vision.

Before you apply

Please contact us for further information and application form

  • Black, asian and minority ethnic groups
  • Health and well being / research and care
  • Learning disabilities / difficulties
  • Local / community
  • Mental health
  • Organisation type: 

    We a primarily and a health and social care charity that work with stakeholders such as the local authority and NHS to ensure that people and patients in the community voice's and opinions are...