Swarthmore is ready to welcome you as Honorary Treasurer, to help to sustain this gem of a place where our original Quaker values remain as important as the ambition to sustain this lovely, independent care home for the future.
Swarthmore Housing Society Ltd., based in Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire, is a not-for–profit residential care home founded by the Quakers in 1945 which now provides homely, safe and comfortable residential care for up to 30 residents, and 50 staff. The Society is recognised as an exempt charity by the Charity Commission and HMRC. It is also regulated by the Care Quality Commission.
We are looking for a trustee with some financial background to support the Board in developing a strategic plan which will guide the home through the next few years. We encourage applicants from all backgrounds. it would be ideal if you also understand the care sector.
The Position
Specifically, the Honourable Treasurer is responsible for assisting the trustees in understanding the financial position of the charity and the financial implications of decisions they are making, in particular; monitor the organisation’s income and expenditure position and in conjunction with our Business Manager and Accountant, present accessible reports at least quarterly to ensure board members understand the accounts and implications. You will be fully supported in this role, and never feel isolated, or that it is 'all down to you' - we are here to help.
Trustees are required to attend Board meetings every two months and the Finance and Resources Sub Committee in advance of each Board meeting.
Full Board meetings and sub-committees are held either in person at Jordans Quaker Meeting House or on Zoom.
Trustees are encouraged to visit the home on a reasonably regular basis.
The Honorary Treasurer will share responsibility with the rest of the board for the governance of the organisation, with particular emphasis on assisting with financial decision-making to ensure that the home, facilities, grounds and the staff, are fit for purpose, sustainable and future proofed. Support and information for the role of Honorary Treasurer will come from a very able team of business manager accountant, and administrators.
This trustee would make a real difference by ensuring that the Board fully understand the implications of the decisions they take, and by giving the support and guidance needed when difficult questions need to be addressed.
It will be challenging. There are highs and lows as our occupancy flows and ebbs. Regular meetings and contact are required, and there may be differences in opinion to consider - negotiation skills will be needed. You will be lending your expertise to a committed team who love Swarthmore and what it stands for, and you will find it interesting, and comforting, to know that you will be positively impacting the lives of our dependent residents.
Please contact Kerry Huggett, Chair of Trustees via the Reach website for an initial discussion.