Fundraising & Grants Lead Responsibilities:
- To work alongside the Treasurer and the rest of the Board to plan what level of funds are required to be generated to ensure the effective running of the charity.
- To work alongside the Trustee Board to ensure that all grants are sought and written with the purpose of meeting the charities vision and objectives.
- To lead on the organisation of local fund-raising opportunities to support the running of the charity, including incorporating national Trussell Trust fund raising campaigns/events throughout the year.
- To oversee, with operational management support, the writing of high-quality grant applications that are in line with the charity's vision and objectives.
- To regularly communicate to the rest of the Trustee Board via Trustee meetings or any other communication of any relevant information and/or developments regarding fund raising or grant applications.
Objectives of the food bank:
- To ensure the Trustee Board develops a long-term strategy for the food bank with clear objectives which can be monitored and adapted.
Other responsibilities, along with the Board of Trustees, include:
- To work alongside the Treasurer and the Trustee Board to ensure the organisation’s financial dealings are systematically accounted for and on time, independently examined (on income over £25k) and made publicly available when necessary.
- Ensure your charity is accountable, actively complying with statutory accounting and reporting requirements and the law.
- To ensure appropriate financial plans are in place for future budget allocations as well as looking after contractual agreements with external partners that award money for core costs and additional projects.
- To help promote the organisation to a wider audience of potential funders and beneficiaries.
- To ensure the food bank has appropriate procedures to: comply with current legislation and good practice; including employment, health and safety, equal opportunities, safeguarding & GDPR compliance/data protection etc.
- Act with reasonable care and skill, giving your time, thought and energy to your role.
- To serve as an additional promoter of the food bank in the community.