Trustee with commitment to Race Equality issues and with management skills

Trustee with commitment to Race Equality issues and with management skills

At a glance


  • Financial management
  • Strategic development and planning
  • General / operations management


Dorset, Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, BH15 2BU
Mainly at home
Travel limit? No specific limit, though knowledge of local area essential


Either in or out of office hours Estimate of time needed:
1-3 hours / week or 3-7 hours / week
The Trustee Board currently holds a focused online meeting weekly (early evening) but Trustees will give additional time to suit their circumstances

Dorset Race Equality Council is a unique Charity serving the areas of Dorset, Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. We support individuals, communities and institutions in challenging racism and promoting equality - come and join us!

What will you be doing?

We are a small Charity with four paid staff and a dedicated group of Trustees who are keen to attract new members to help us to run the organization effectively and to meet new challenges as need is identified.

The Trustee Board is seeking to bring additional skill in the management, strategic development and financial management areas in particular. We recognize that both commitment to the objects of the Charity and specific skills and experience are needed at this time.

We have the vision of strong, safe and sustainable communities in Dorset in which diversity and fairness are valued and people of all races, ethnicities and religions have equal opportunities and live free from discrimination and prejudice.

What are we looking for?

A new Trustee will ideally have some knowledge of the Charity Sector, but crucially will bring experience gained through working in the fields of financial management, strategic development and planning or general management.  We are developing as a volunteer team of Trustees, supported by advice and information from organizations and individuals. You may have just the skills that we need at this time to complement our current group of Trustees.

What difference will you make?

This is a vital role, helping ensure we can continue our support for the diverse communities within Dorset. As a trustee, you will have a real opportunity to offer your unique skill set to help the strategic progression of the charity and to change the lives of individuals and communities.

Before you apply

Please contact us via Reach with any questions and to begin a conversation with us.

  • Black, asian and minority ethnic groups
  • Organisation type: 

    Dorset Race Equality Council (Dorset REC) is an independent body, funded by grants, donations and voluntary contributions whose focus is on race and ethnicity. We have been...