We're recruiting an inspiring individual with financial and governance skills in support our vision - to help us transition and strengthen our objectives for growth.
We are looking for an individual with good accountancy and financial management skills, who can take on the role of the charity's Treasurer/Governance Oversight and help us plan for new growth. They will help improve financial planning and instigate transparency in our systems. They will possess chartered accountancy qualifications and take us through the year-end Annual reporting process with the Charities Commission, managing reporting, compliance and provide oversight against forecasts and budgets. They will mentor volunteer bookkeepers to take responsibility for day-to-day accounting. They will have an interest in archive management.
Specifically, we are looking for the following qualities and experience:
Knowledge and skills
The Board as a whole should encompass knowledge of the following areas:
We believe that your strong leadership skills, professional expertise, and your ability to bring in financial and other resources, means that you will be part of an important step change process that will help us deliver the charity’s remit. As a Trustee with strong financial planning, strategic and practical skills, we need your support to ensure that FHALMA has a clear vision and strategy; therefore we are looking for your skills to help strengthen and underpin our voluntary structure.
We are a small team (one freelance leader and with volunteers) and so far we have a very good track record in delivering art and archive projects - Specifically through annual Huntley conferences, symposia, schools workshops, plus a ground-breaking exhibition and others in the pipeline). You can make a valuable difference and use your lived experiences to write the new chapters for FHALMA. The trustee will be keen to develop potential and learning opportunities for our stakeholders, and support an inter-generational approach. The archives reflect a radical Black publishing and legacy of community activism and these important facets mean that we wish to attract people from a range of backgrounds, but all who have a shared interest and value the contribution to current social, education, environmental improvements that Eric and Jessica Huntley have made across ALL communities, including the African Caribbean Diaspora.
Do get in touch with us to find out more. Thank you.
We are seeking to recruit up to five experienced individuals to take up Trustee positions at the charity, not just this Treasurer /Company Secretary post. We wish to see a mix of skills, experience and backgrounds on the Board. Specifically, we are looking for the qualities and experience mentioned here; however we also know that people have a range of other skills and would like to make a contribution.