

Ongoing role
At a glance


  • Accountancy / Auditing
  • Bookkeeping


Barnsley, S36 6DL
Mainly at home
Travel limit? 10 miles


Either in or out of office hours Estimate of time needed:
0-5 hours / month
2-4 hours per month. Attendance is required at our steering group meetings at 5pm on the first Wednesday of every month at Barnsley Town Hall


30 Sep 2024

Barnsley Borough City of Sanctuary is seeking a Treasurer for our small organisation  This is a volunteer position for which there is no payment. 

What will you be doing?

This is a volunteer role for which there is no payment. We are a small group of volunteers, all unpaid. Our group is an unincorporated community group. We have no staff or premises. Our steering group meets at 5pm on the first Wednesday of every month at Barnsley Town Hall. Our turnover between July 2023 and May 2024 was roughly £17,000 primarily  expenditure from one grant., all of which is spent on providing resources for asylum seekers and refugees (food vouchers, travel passes, SIM cards etc).

The overall role of the treasurer is to maintain an overview of the organisation’s financial affairs, ensuring its viability and proper financial records and procedures are maintained.

Specific Roles:

  • To oversee and present budgets, accounts and financial statements.
  • To meet with other volunteer officers  about financial matters.
  • To ensure that appropriate accounting procedures and controls are in place
  • To ensure accounts meet the conditions of contractual agreements with funders
  • To attend and present financial reports to the steering group
  • To make a presentation of the accounts at the annual general meeting
  • Assist other officers in funding bids for grants

What are we looking for?

  • Experience of financial control and budgeting
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills
  • A willingness to be contacted on an ad hoc basis.
  • Ability to ensure decisions are taken and followed-up.

What difference will you make?

To enable us to be effective in our aims:

  • Create a culture of welcome for asylum seekers and refugees, challenging hostility and discrimination in all its forms
  • Publicise and celebrate the contribution of asylum seekers and refugees to their local communities and to UK society and culture
  • Work with local communities and with other relevant organisations to support asylum seekers and refugees
  • Campaign for the rights of asylum seekers and refugees and oppose anti-migrant legislation
  • Encourage organisations and institutions in Barnsley (including BMBC) to become part of the City of Sanctuary national network
  • Amplify the voices of people with lived experience to ensure they are central in our activities and decision making.

Before you apply

Please send us a short summary of why you would like to support our group and  are best placed to perform this role (at most on one side of A4). We are flexible so tell us of any particular needs or support you may require to enable you to be an effective treasurer for us. Please supply us with the names and contact details of 2 referees.

Please send your application of interest to us via Reach. 

Informal interviews will be arranged at a time and place of mutual convenience.

  • Refugees / migrants
  • Organisation type: 
    Small or unincorporated organisation

    We aim to:

    • Create a culture of welcome for asylum seekers and refugees, challenging hostility and discrimination in all its forms.
    • Publicise and celebrate the contribution of
    • ...