Regional Partnership Adviser role is to support and promote the partnership approach in the assigned region, including conducting an analysis and assessment of current partners and partnership opportunities across the region.
The Fédération Internationale de la Jeunesse in English International Youth Federation (IYF), is an international non-profit youth organization network governed by the present Statutes and the Swiss Civil Code. It is politically neutral, and non-denominational, aiming to empower youth worldwide.
The IYF is a global youth network, an organization advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to empower young people across the world. IYF works in over 50 countries and territories, helping to achieve youth empowerment and improve the status of youth.
(A) Supports the development of and provides advice to corporate and regional partnership and resource mobilization strategies:
• In collaboration with the IYF Regional Administration; identify regional partnership priorities as input to the design and development of regional partnership strategies;
• Set and monitor regional partnership priorities, goals, and key performance indicators (KPIs) in line with the partnership and resource mobilization strategies;
• Support resource mobilization response for activities in member countries within the Region by working closely with IYF International Relations Commission.
(B) Coordinates and advices on the creation and strengthening of key partnerships that contribute to IYF's core mission, mandate, and achievement of results, including securing resource commitments, where possible:
• Advocates and advises IYF Representative and County Teams on developing new, innovative partnerships for the IYF including supporting resource mobilization from private companies and individuals, as well as development banks, and from governments for core resources and government co-financing; and
• Identifies ways in which existing partnerships at Country level can be expanded to new thematic areas or countries.
(C) Coordinates and advises on targeted communications and marketing activities relevant to partner groups (e.g. theme/issue, country, delivery mechanism), in collaboration with Regional Communications Adviser:
• Monitors IYF communication products/mechanisms for relevance to regional and country partners to ensure targeted marketing; and
• Uses and tailors existing communication products/mechanisms to effectively position the IYF, wherever possible.
Relevant experience at the regional/international level in one or more of the following areas: international relations, public engagement, development financing, economics, political or communications science or youth-related advocacy, is required.
To voluntarily represent, positively promote, and uphold the mission of “Empowering youth for a better world” in various programs and opportunities throughout the IYF interventions across member countries.