Honorary Treasurer

Honorary Treasurer

Ongoing role
At a glance


  • Bookkeeping
  • Financial management


Isleworth, TW7 4RB
Mainly at home
Travel limit? Home-based, but able to attend Management Committee meetings held at Osterlely Park six times a year


Either in or out of office hours Estimate of time needed:
0-5 hours / month
Home-based, flexible, but able to attend Management Committee meetings held at Osterlely Park six times a year, plus the AGM

The Friends of Osterley Park, formed in 1991, is a volunteer support group for the National Trust property Osterley Park and House in West London. Its Management Committee now seeks a volunteer Honorary Treasurer.

What will you be doing?

What will you be doing?

The FoOP Management Committee is seeking an Honorary Treasurer to join the Committee and support its work in respect of the following role:

  1. To deal with money and cash-flow, take responsibility for book-keeping and financial management of a small organisation with an annual cash-flow of around £5,000.
  2. To pay into the bank, cheques and cash as income from subscriptions, 100 Club, trips and tours, events and donations.
  3. To make payments (mostly electronic but occasionally cheques) for goods, services, expenses and donations to the National Trust.
  4. To keep records of income and expenditure and report these to Management Committee meetings, including cash-flow and forecast financial commitments.
  5. To prepare the annual accounts for the independent examiner and the AGM.
  6. To ensure we have robust and effective financial controls in place, that are legal, comply with our written Constitution and meet accepted accountancy practices.
  7. To work closely with the Chairman and the Committee, and to attend meetings of the Committee.


What's in it for the volunteer?

The volunteer will work as a key member of a committed and friendly team dedicated to promoting a community awareness and involvement in heritage, the environment, outdoor activities and local amenity.

The role also provides the volunteer with the additional benefits of free visitor access to National Trust properties throughput the UK, free car parking, and 20% discount in National trust cafes and shops.


What are we looking for?

What are we looking for?

The ideal volunteer for this position would be able to carry-out most of the associated work from home, using their own home computer, appropriate applications software and electronic banking, liaise with members of the management Committee as and when necessary, and report back to the Committee on the finance related matters listed above at its (2 hourly) morning meetings that take place at Osterley House six times a year.

The volunteer would have the following skills, experience and talents:

  1. Computer skills to maintain financial book-keeping, accounts, electronic banking where appropriate, financial reporting, and to communicate with other Committee members by email as appropriate.
  2. Well organised, with attention to detail
  3. Basic financial management skills to oversee, record and bank subscription payments
  4. Have excellent communication skills, a flexible attitude to voluntary work, team spirit, and good humour.

What difference will you make?

The Honorary Treasurer role is key to the success of the FoOP, to support the amenities and activities within Osterley Park.

  • Arts
  • Children / families
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Gardens and parks
  • Local / community
  • Museums / heritage
  • Organisation type: 
    Small or unincorporated organisation

    The Friends of Osterley Park is a support group for the National Trust property Osterley Park and House near Isleworth in West London. The Friends raise funds for the property and run a number of...