Newington Green Alliance is a charity dedicated to building community across all many ethnic, cultural, class, and other divides Hackney and Islington, London.
We are seeking experienced fundraising volunteers
NGANewington Green Alliance is a UK registered charity carrying out events and other projects geared toward building community connections and relationship across all the many ethnic, cultural, class, and other differences in the areas of Hackney and Islington surrounding Newington Green, London.
ROLEWe are seeking volunteers to carry out grant-writing and other fundraising work to enable NGA to do more and better community-building work in an expanding geographical area.
Volunteers should have at least three years experience in charity fundraising. They should have had involvement in or understanding of such funding mechanisms as:
The volunteer should be able to work in an ever-changing environment, to be comfortable working remotely, flexible, responsible, responsive, and an excellent spoken and written communicator.
The volunteer should be able to commit to volunteering for at least six months for at least three hours per week.
NGA is an unusual charity working to build better lives through strengthening community. Volunteers in the role will be able to help NGA make a transition from the limitations of an all volunteer organisation to a staffed charity with greater capabilities, skills, resilience, and organisation. This will be a tremendous positive shift in NGA's ability to carry out its mission.
Success in this transition will mean that NGA can fully prove its proposal that deep community building is a powerful, effective, and efficient path to greater community resilience and thriving.
Contact us via Reach and we will send further instructions on how to complete our short form and follow up with our team