Working with the CEO and Board, you will be developing fundraising initiatives to help ensure our long term financial viability as well play a major role in developing our strategic direction for the future.
Children and young people with SEND struggle to develop relationships, build friendships and connect with their local communities. This increases their sense of isolation and loneliness that in turn impacts upon their physical and mental health as well as puts pressure on their families who are trying to support them. To help address this health care need, InterAct provides opportunities for children and young people in Essex to get out of the house, meet others, develop social skills, and enjoy physical activities and games whilst also engaging with their local community.
We’re looking for a volunteer Trustee who believes these young people would benefit from more access to opportunities that help them become less reliant on care services as they grow older.
For this role, we are seeking expertise from someone who has experience in one for more of: fundraising, event management, communications, connecting with individual philanthropists.
This role is important to us. Not only do we need someone to help guide and govern the charity, we are also looking for someone to help us formulate our vision for the future whilst diversifying our funding streams and enabling us to work with even more families across Essex.
Please apply through Reach in the first instance. The CEO is available to for an informal online chat if you'd like more information.