Could you help us to “provide more” to our school communities? Trustees Wanted.

Could you help us to “provide more” to our school communities? Trustees Wanted.

At a glance


  • Accountancy / Auditing
  • Governance
  • HR
  • Health and safety
  • Safeguarding
  • Teaching / Education


Rochdale, OL11 2YW
Mainly at the office


Either in or out of office hours Estimate of time needed:
0-5 hours / month or 1-3 hours / week
To attend governing board meetings: these normally take place around six times a year and may be held outside school hours

Just as our schools are incredibly diverse and culturally rich places, it is vital that our governing boards reflect that diversity and richness too.

What will you be doing?

Expert governance has the power to drive school improvement and is one of the biggest benefits a school gets from joining a trust.

The role, as a governing body, is to decide the trust’s ethos and strategic priorities, what education will be provided to pupils, and how resources are best spent to achieve this.

We are recruiting for governors and trustees. These are rewarding roles, working towards a shared goal of providing a high-quality education for children and young people in our community.

What are we looking for?

Trustees must be skilled, knowledgeable, and able to confidently support and challenge the leadership of a group of schools.

Professional backgrounds in areas such as HR, law, finance, and marketing are key skills needed on MAT trustee boards, but softer skills such as negotiation, problem solving, and leadership, are also great additions.


What difference will you make?

The impact of a strong Board of trustees is significant, and will greatly improve the opportunities for students, staff and the wider community.  

We encourage challenge amongst our teams.

Before you apply

Please visit our website for more information and apply via the form found on the Governance page.

  • Education
  • Organisation type: 
    Educational body

    Our mission is to be ever “Providing more” to the communities we serve, to enable life in all its fullness.