Common Cause Foundation Non-executive Director Roles

Common Cause Foundation Non-executive Director Roles

At a glance


  • Campaigning
  • Copywriting / Journalism
  • Financial management
  • Fundraising strategy
  • Governance
  • Strategic development and planning
  • Strategic mentoring / coaching
  • Legal
  • General / operations management


Woking, GU21 5AJ
Remote opportunity


Either in or out of office hours Estimate of time needed:
1-3 hours / week

Common Cause Foundation is looking for new non-executive directors to help us champion and reflect the human values that underpin our care for one another and our living planet.

What will you be doing?

We are seeking to build a board which can support us in applying an understanding of values to help resist oppression in its myriad forms. As such we are particularly keen to recruit new board members with marginalised identities – people of colour, people with disabilities, LGBT+ people, women and anyone from a working class background – or people with a particular commitment to challenge human exceptionalism. 

What are we looking for?

  • A belief in the necessity and efficacy of the work of Common Cause Foundation, and willingness to advocate this to others.
  • Understanding how privilege and power affect organisations, in both their internal and external work, and a commitment to identify oppressive behaviour and practices where these occur.


We feel that the work of Common Cause would really benefit from  non-executive directors who can bring the following skills or passion for:

  • Strategic planning - because we have identified long-term strategic planning as an area about which we need to think more deeply
  • Financial management - because we currently rely heavily on one of our non-executive directors for support with financial management and would like to distribute this work amongst more people
  • Fundraising - because we would like to diversify our funding to be able to better resource our work
  • Experience of working in non-hierarchical structures - because we are in the process of moving to a flat hierarchy organisation and would love the support of a non-executive director to help guide this process.
  • Experience of working towards systemic environmental/social change outside the NGO sector (e.g. in the arts and culture sector, in sport, or as a grassroots organiser) - because we have experience of working a lot with NGOs and museums, but it would be helpful to work with non-executive directors who have experience of systemic change in different cultural sectors.
  • Experience of working within or with the media - because we have just embarked on a new project working on values in the media

What difference will you make?

We work in the belief that any proportionate and lasting response to the polycrisis will require a fundamental re-examination of the values that are prioritised in mainstream culture. We draw on an extensive understanding of social psychology to propose strategies for rebalancing cultural values, and we work with other organisations to prototype these approaches. As a trustee, you will help us support movements for systemic cultural change. 

Before you apply

  • Campaigning
  • Organisation type: 
    Not for profit

    Common Cause is a non-profit that works to champion and reflect the human values that underpin our care for one another and our living planet in mainstream culture.