Due to pending retirement a new Chair is required to take the charity forward for the next decade. Its activities range from supporting Veterans in homes to providing funding and services nationally to Veterans, serving personnel and families.
Although being a small charity in that it has no staff or premises the Lest We Forget Association is in the top ten percent of UK charities in terms of assets and income and is therefore fully funded. Most of its activities consist of giving grants to other military charities and organisations although certain activities are organised directly by the Charity, largely by liaison with the providing and recipient organisations. The Chair will be responsible for the management of the Grants and Investment Committees, the bank account and Charity Secretary duties. The ideal candidate would have knowledge of both the Military and Charity sectors. Over the last century the charity has been located in Southwest London/Surrey.
The particular qualities and skills required of the Chair are:-
As Chair you will have the satisfaction of guiding the charity to promote happiness in Veterans, active service members and their families.
Please apply through Reach in the first instance.