Volunteering Values and Valuing Volunteers

Group holding sign "Let's motivate and mobilise change"

Explore how to motivate and mobile change with the Common Cause Foundation. 


The Common Cause Foundation is hosting a special online workshop on 7 February, 10.00am - 12.00pm to explore how volunteering can build on our shared values to motivate and mobilise change. 

The workshop is designed for those who work to inspire volunteers and will cover how you can:

  • Recognise and work with the ‘compassionate’ values that underpin most people’s motivations to volunteer.
  • Help to build shared awareness of the importance that most people place on ‘compassionate’ values.
  • Contribute more widely to building communities of active and engaged citizens. 
  • Help to elevate volunteership as something that is widely respected and celebrated.
  • Build a culture that fully values the work of those involved in volunteer programmes.

The workshop will be facilitated by Ruth Taylor from the Common Cause Foundation who is also a serial volunteer.

Book your place now by joining the guestlist

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