New resources for recruiting trustees and diversifying your board

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Find out about diversity audits, recruiting first-time trustees and more with the Trustee Recruitment Cycle. 

We are delighted to share new guides and templates for the Trustee Recruitment Cycle, our resource to help charities to recruit trustees and diversify their board:

We have had an incredibly positive response to the Trustee Recruitment Cycle, which we produced in partnership with the Association of Chairs and Getting on Board. Since its launch -  69% of readers rate it as ‘extremely useful’ and we have shared it through webinars with partners such as Association of Chairs, SCVO and NCVO. 

We hope that you find these new resources helpful. Please share them with colleagues and peers. We are keen to make the Trustee Recruitment Cycle as useful as possible and want to keep improving it. If you have any feedback or suggestions for further content, we’d love to hear from you. And as always, getting the Cycle before the people who need it is a big challenge, so if you can think of ways we can do this, or if you can help us, do get in touch by emailing

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