How it works

At Reach, we focus on trusteeship and skills-based volunteering (opportunities that require specific professional skills in areas such as HR, digital or finance).  

Our services are always free to volunteers, and most services are free to eligible organisations. More on when we charge.

Whether you are an organisation or a volunteer, get started by joining our community. 


Self-service option

As a volunteer, you can: 
  • Create your volunteer profile.
  • Explore roles and organisation profiles.
  • Apply for a volunteer/trustee role or message the organisation with any questions. 
  • Talk to the organisation about what you are looking for and what you can offer. Most of the opportunities listed are not set in stone.
  • Find an amazing cause that needs your skills!
Don’t want to create a profile? Not to worry. You can apply for up to 5 opportunities with a guest membership. 
As an organisation, you can:
  • Create your organisation profile.
  • Post your opportunity (you can use one of our sample volunteer roles). It will be shared with the Reach community and through our partners such as LinkedIn. 
  • Kickstart your search by looking for available volunteers on our platform and directly messaging those who may be suitable. 
  • Manage applications through your dashboard.
  • Make contact with volunteers who apply and talk through what you’re looking for. Remember, with volunteers, a bit of flexibility is key! 
  • Find an amazing skilled volunteer who wants to support your cause!


Extra support for organisations

In addition to our Self-service option, we also offer the following for trustee recruitment:

Self-Service Plus
Access to the Reach community, partners and recruitment tools plus additional external advertising. 

Bespoke trustee recruitment 
A tailored recruitment service with our TrusteeWorks team who will help you to find the ideal trustee for your board. Excellent results at an affordable price. 

Find out more about these services and what we charge.


Have a question?

Our help section is full of articles to help you use our service.

We also have useful guides and resources that will help you make the most of skills-based volunteering and trustee recruitment.


More in this section

About Reach

Connecting people, skills and good causes is our mission and our passion. 

When and what we charge

Most of our services are free of charge. However, if you're an organisation such as a social enterprise or a large charity, there may be a small fee attached for Trustee roles.

Our impact 2022

Our impact in 2022 - Good causes recruited 3,586 trustees and volunteers through Reach last year

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